How to Use Data to Drive Car Sales

Over the past few years, the automotive industry has gone digital. Ranging from online sales to digital retailing tools, every aspect of auto sales is now available to consumers online. They’re also just a few of the user-friendly tools that can give dealers the opportunity to collect data. 

Using data effectively has become one of the key differences between dealerships that are successful and ones that struggle to increase their sales numbers. In this blog, NCM Associates instructor and consultant Mike Udell offers an insightful look at how to use that data to drive car sales at your business. 

Utilizing Data for Targeted Marketing 

Whether you run a used car dealership, carry the latest models, or have a state-of-the-art service center, automotive businesses can and should use customer data to create or enhance your marketing strategy. For example, information such as past purchases, service history, and browsing activity can be used to target specific audiences and users. 

Instead of putting out the same generic messaging, dealers can speak to customers’ pain points and establish a deeper connection with them. This improves the experience for the customer and increases the chances of them doing business with you. 

Predicting Customer Behavior With Technology 

In addition to taking that data and using it to design your marketing campaign and target audience, dealers should also adjust their sales strategies and processes based on customer data. By using a customer relationship management (CRM) system and cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI), dealerships can analyze data to the point of actually predicting customer behavior. 

Accurately predicting how your target audience shops and does their research can deliver big results for your sales figures. On top of that, monitoring trends in the auto industry and economy can aid in planning ahead, too. Having your staff trained and familiar with these data solutions, as well as your online retail tools, is a must for keeping pace with the market. 

Provide a More User-Friendly Customer Experience 

A more enjoyable shopping experience goes a long way towards maximizing sales opportunities. Dealerships that are looking to enhance the customer experience should consider an over-the-top (OTT) engagement approach. 

This content includes everything from handy digital retailing tools to creative video and more. Engaging with leads and customers using SEO and using these resources gives you an extra way to acquire customer data by inviting them to participate in a more customer-focused approach to shopping. 

Integrating CRM Data 

Leveraging CRM data is crucial for nurturing leads, retaining existing customers, and fostering long-term relationships. Implementing proven CRM practices, such as comprehensive lead nurturing strategies and customer retention tactics, is key to sustainable growth. 

Using this approach creates lasting relationships with individual consumers and the local marketplace. As a result, your sales numbers should continue to grow exponentially, not just in the next year, but for the foreseeable future. 

Learn More About Using Data to Drive Sales 

Incorporating data into your dealership’s daily operations is a must for any business if you want to stay ahead of the curve. From predicting customer behavior and trends to utilizing CRM strategies to offering a more streamlined shopping experience, collecting and analyzing data is how dealers can drive car sales in this day and age. To learn more about how NCM Associates can help you harness your data collection capabilities, contact us today.