Assessing Your Dealership's Team Performance With Axcessa

Data keeps your dealership running—but which data should you be following with your leadership team? Your DMS contains a lot of information that may sometimes be difficult to decipher, which is where NCM Axcessa software comes into play.

NCM Associates' in-house platform offers solutions to transform raw data into actionable insights that empower dealership leaders to drive continuous improvement.  Let's learn more about how you can access your dealership's team performance with Axcessa.

What Is Axcessa?

Axcessa is a cloud-based dealership performance management platform developed by NCM Associates. Designed by automotive professionals for automotive professionals, Axcessa seamlessly integrates with your existing DMS to consolidate data from all areas of your dealership. This centralized data hub eliminates the need for manual data collection and aggregation, which is critical for saving valuable time and resources.

At its core, Axcessa empowers dealerships to make data-driven decisions for each member of their dealership. By providing comprehensive reports, customizable dashboards, and real-time analytics, Axcessa equips dealership leaders with the tools to assess performance across all departments, identify trends, and uncover areas for improvement.

What Reports Does Axcessa Generate?

As you gather information through Axcessa to better assess your dealership's team performance, you can keep close tabs on a variety of departments and reports. Without the need to dig for information, you can spend more time assessing team performance and less time sifting through data.

Real-time data is easily accessible using Actionable Intelligence. Cloud-based, this system updates eight times per day to provide your entire dealership with real-time analytical reports, charts, and dashboards to highlight trends and anomalies across several categories like salesperson and team performance.

In addition to these standardized reports, Axcessa allows dealerships to create custom reports tailored to their specific needs. This flexibility ensures that dealerships can access the data most relevant to their goals and objectives as it pertains to building better team cohesion and performance across the board.

Manageable Team Reporting at Your Fingertips

Axcessa recognizes that every dealership has unique reporting requirements. That's why the platform offers a high degree of customization, allowing dealership leaders to tailor reports to their needs. This is an essential tool in ensuring the integrity of your team from top to bottom.

With Axcessa's user-friendly interface, creating custom team performance reports is a breeze. You can select the metrics you want to track, filter data by various criteria, and choose how you want the data presented—whether in tables, charts, or graphs.

This level of customization empowers dealerships to gain a deeper understanding of their operations and make informed decisions based on the metrics that matter most to them. In turn, you can efficiently map out which steps to take next.

Axcessa Walks So Your Dealership Can Run

Assessing your dealership's team performance doesn't have to be a time-consuming task. Rather, Axcessa works to unlock a wealth of data-driving insights that empower you to make informed decisions, optimize your operations, and drive continuous improvement.

Axcessa equips dealership leaders with the tools they need to elevate their team's performance to new heights. Contact NCM Associates today to schedule an Axcessa demo and discover the power of data-driven decision-making.